The Comfortably Unabashed
Trillian: "Can we drop your ego for a moment. This is important." Zaphod: "If there is anything more important than my ego around, I want it caught and shot now." Immortal lines from " The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy ", by Douglas Adams What makes people like Zaphod and Calvin so lovable by the neutral distant observer (with a stress on distant[:D]) is the fact that they speak their mind. They are not corrupted by the social definition of correctness. They are self centered to the helm and care a paisa for what the world thinks of them. In the words of Bill Watterson , " Calvin is pretty easy to do because he is outgoing and rambunctious and there's not much of a filter between his brain and his mouth. " [Click on image to Enlarge it] Courtesy: So why is the average humble person so, well, humble? Does he really feel that all men are equal in the eye of the divine and hence it makes no sense to ...