Agents of Chaos

In the famous words of George Bernard Shaw, “Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.

The first person who comes to our mind in this regard is the Celestial Saint Narada. Having received the blessing that all chaos he generates will ultimately lead only to good, he embarks with a free conscience to spread disorder around the world. Yet, such is the end result of his actions that people eventually have to end up loving him in return. The fact that this king of trouble makers is in turn bedeviled on more than one occasion by Lord Vishnu goes on to show who is the fundamental agent of chaos. However let me not elaborate on that for that goes far beyond the scope of this post ;)

On the other extreme, is The Joker. His is the kind of chaos which makes the society understand its own shortcomings, inequities and immoralities which it had taken for granted and learned to live with. But chaos changes everything on the head, it suddenly shows what the serpent which one has been tolerating for so many years turns to when it fully grows up. Chaos is usually a short duration of time which like a caricature suddenly highlights to the society its scars in all the crimson glory. This automatically leads to its destruction and in an ideal world, the system which has lead to it. Hence from Chaos emerges a new order, a higher order unless it is strong enough to destroy it in complete.

What about Calvin? What is the order which emerges out of the chaos he generates? I think this was best answered by Taare Zameen Par (which incidentally shamelessly lifted an entire comic strip from Calvin for one of its animation sequences). A student like Calvin who is obviously smart (a walking encyclopaedia of Dinosaurs and the epitome of creativity) and yet technically unintelligent thanks to his grades. He raises serious questions about the system of education. If a smart student cannot get good grades, then isn't there obviously something seriously wrong with the grading technique? I once saw a video on Ted Talks by Ken Robinson (make sure you watch it). He makes a wonderful point. As long as you are not prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with something original.


He goes on to say that creativity is at least as important as literacy. As the famous T-shirt quote goes, "I was born Intelligent. Education Ruined me." Despite the presence of many such Calvins, we wonder how come there has not yet been a revolution in the Education system. Is it just an accepted chaos (Like the Stock Market ;)) or is it another IDEA whose TIME has not yet come. I leave you here with that thought and inviting you to share instances of chaos which has lead to an higher order.


NVA said…
Dear Harish,
Two points to make :-
>> Stock Market is not a chaos by its own nature but an important barometer / a macroeconomic indicator (worth tracking) of the economy.
If economy is in chaos then same would reflect in the market indices

>> Naarada afterall is also God's agent.
Harish B said…
Dear Archie,

In an ideal world, Stock Market is as you say a mere barometer but out here, it is the perfect culture for chaos. A rumour of Steve Job's bad health could plummet APPLE COMPUTER's stocks on the year of record profits for the company.

As for your second point, I have already answered it in the post.


Unknown said…
Talking about an apple, 'ideas time' is same as the time of 'apple's fall' from the tree, you see we people, Vishnus, are good only at detecting sudden motion ;).
Was reminded of Albert Einstein's quote:

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

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